SCIRITHERAPY – integrated care to know

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The Sciritherapy is the new model of psychotherapy that flows from the premises posed by quantum psychology.

It’s a technique of multidisciplinary care integrated, usine the contribution of quantum physics of neuroscience and epistemology.

At the patient is thus offers wider knowledge than the classical methods of psychology, that help to frame existentially the disturbance, in relation to the overall meaning of existence.

Neuroses and conditionings generated by education , by religions and ideologies are passed through a conditioning that relies on a heunistic knowledge. Psychotherapy and patient interact dynamically at par with the use of interative whiteboard , with explanatory diagrams and notes; the role of a bygone age of the patient lying on the bed is exceeded.

The interpretations of psychological disorders are implemented by f physics and neuroscience, which, calibrated to be understood by all, now allow us to describe the internal structure of the human being in an innovative way in fact, the body, brain and mind,are shown as operating two other energy centers infinitesimal pre-materials that complement the quality chain functional of the cybernetic system, by wich man lives.

These more centres are qualifying as not subject at wasting biological and therefore the true self imperishable of the person, is not the mental.

As an important consequence of what the Quantum Psychology today, undoubt shows, is that the rebirth of the universe and human existence, are precedent by an order of reality implied pre material.

Therefore what was always romantically named “Beyond” , is now thought of as a dimension actually exists kind of energy, which led to the creation of all existence.

This leads to metaphysical and existential implications of great importance and interest, which justify the establishment of a psychotherapist suitable arrangements to deal with this new approach, both, for human as around it.

The maximum information to become knowledge, determines the health fund. Platone said that those who know the name and origin of thinks, can not be deceived.

That’ s why the origin of the latin name Sciriterapia ( scire= to know, to have precise knowledge), the technique of integrated care to know.

Quantum Psychology- The size of “Being”

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The Quantum is a new address compared to traditional psychologie which introduces several multidisciplinary knowledge in the field, drawn from other sciences.

With the latest integrated content provided by Quantum Physics, from
neuroscience, from epistemology and precisely formed on the basis Quantum Psychology, it’ s now possible to show in a innovative way that the deep consciousness of human origin, has extramental and is not a product of the brain.

The man framed as a cybernetic system, is then considered in its conshituent units organized functionally, among which stands out the presence of an infinity intelligent energy center-consciouns and pre extramental material, more than the mental self, that lives but thanks to the brain.

The text shows how certain premises of Quantum Physics, force today to consider on order of energy reality antecedent to material in which we live, which generates the latter.

The consequences are far reaching, as is necessary to redefine many western cultural stereotypes about the internal stricture of human being and after it.

Materialism, faith, atheism, superstition, luck and the concepts of evil, pain and death, or thus reinterpreted on the basis of a compelling logic, that drawing on the data of most recent physical concedes nothing to the romantic fantasy and the dogmatism of ideologies.

Another practical consequence is that the systems of care must change, because the various schools of thought, which have become the equipment and who consider the human being so divisive, they are now forced to a radical change in conception of human life and to think about the interval composition of the “ system Homo” into its constituent parts.

It is therefore essential to a new integrated and multidisciplinary approach also in the clinical practice of psychotherapy word.

The authoritative text therefore raises the question on of “existence” of Being Parmenides, the fundamental ontological question, which today receives important experimental confirmation, just from the science that once contrasted.

The paradox is that religion, which could make it more convincing if the
renew his teaching with new knowledge, will not realize the historical
change now taking place in society on earth, thus acceterating its continued decline, along with the desperate nihilism medical caste.

CRESCERE INSIEME 2010: educare con Sport, Cultura, Arte

15 Giugno 2010 al CASALE DEI MONACI di Ciampino

Grandi Emozioni per la V° Edizione di Crescere Insieme, dopo il torneo dell’anno 2009 il Centro Umanistico di Ciampino innesca un convegno anziché un torneo di calcio.

Tutte le organizzazioni sono state premiate con il I° Premio Un.Um (Universo Umanista), nuova realtà per un percorso spirituale dell’uomo contemporaneo, democratico, laico, interpartitico, interreligioso, sovraideologico e transculturale, inteso come unione di persone senza distinzione di nazionalità.

Leggi tutto “CRESCERE INSIEME 2010: educare con Sport, Cultura, Arte”

Il Centro Umanistico Presenta il Filmato CARIS, dedicato al Torneo Crescere Insieme

Continua il percorso educativo sportivo, Scientifico, Culturale, Spirituale dedicato al paziente S.L.A. (Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica) avviato dal Centro Umanistico, finalizzato alla Partita del Cuore di Ciampino svolta il 2 maggio 2009 per la S.L.A. e l’Abruzzo.

Per Fernando questi malati sono veri comunicatori che possono aiutare la ricerca grazie all’esperienza della SCIRITERAPIA, che in greco significa “Curare con il Sapere”.

Questa tecnica si rivolge alla malattie psicosomatiche di matrice esistenziale.

Leggi tutto “Il Centro Umanistico Presenta il Filmato CARIS, dedicato al Torneo Crescere Insieme”